Week of 2/9/25-2/16/25
CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: The church office hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM, weekly.
CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL: The children will be dismissed from worship just before Pastor Scott begins his weekly sermon message and will last until the end of the worship service (approximately 20 minutes). Parents are asked to pick up their child/children in the Sunday School wing following worship, whether class is held indoors or outside.
NURSERY: Children of all ages are always welcome at our Worship services. The nursery room in the Sunday School wing is open every Sunday during both the 8:30 AM and the 10:30 AM Worship services for parents with small children who may wish to use it. The service can be viewed live on the TV monitor in the nursery.
FACEBOOK PAGE: Log onto St David’s United Church of Christ Hanover and like the page to follow. United Church of Christ Hanover and like the page to follow.
BELL CHOIR: Weekly practice will be held on Monday’s at 6:00 pm at the church.
CHANCEL CHOIR: Weekly practice on Thursdays at 7:00 pm at the church.
YOGA CLASSES: Chair Yoga will be held on Wednesday evenings in the Grove at 6:00 pm. Mat Yoga will held on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 pm.
BIBLE STUDY: Bible Study will be held on Tuesday’s at 9:30 am and 7:00 pm at the church.
PRAISE CHOIR: Weekly practices at 10am between services. All are welcome.
GRIEF SHARE: Meets on Sundays at noon at the church and will conclude by 2:30 pm with a light lunch included. This support group will meet every Sunday for 13 weeks.
SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP: The next Sunday Fellowship will be held in February. Date TBD. Donations of food items are requested.
New Beginnings Group will meet for lunch on Thursday, March 6th at noon at noon at Chili’s Hanover.
New Venture will meet Tuesday, February 11 at Railside Restaurant.
Extraordinary Women’s Conference will be held on September 19th and 20th at the Giant Center Hershey. Deadline to get a ticket discount is February 21st. Call 1-434-525-9470 and use code WestJHer25 to get a discount priced ticket of $59 plus a $10 service fee. Don’t delay…tickets are selling quickly! Call Joyce West with questions: 717-873-0242. Additional information can be found on the church bulletin board.
Sunday, March 30th the Congregational Meeting and pot luck lunch will be held. Mark your calendars. More information to come.
Body of Proof Book Study. Will begin in March and last for four weeks. Additional information and sign-up sheet are on the bulletin board.
Singles Valentines Dinner: Saturday, February 15th. Menu: Strawberry salad, Chicken Cordon Bleu, Mashed potatoes, assorted cupcakes. Entertainment: Don Horneff, pianist and Pennsylvania Dutch Humorist Harley Hartman. Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board. If you have food allergies please contact Pam Hartman.
LONGING FOR SPRING? SATURDAY, APRIL 26TH FROM 8 AM TO 2 PM there will a plant and food market. Additional information is on the bulletin board. Sign up sheets for food donations etc will be posted as we get closer to the date of the event. See Candee Waite or Barb Horneff for additional information.
Bus Trip to See Noah’s Ark at the Sight and Sound Theater Friday, July 11th. There are still a few tickets available. Adult $155. Children 3-12 $92. Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board. See Pam Hartman for details. 717-873-7585.
Combined Lenten Services . March 9, 16, 23, 30TH, April 6TH . Services will be held at 3 pm. Locations TBD.
PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE UNABLE TO TAKE ANY MORE SCRAP DONATIONS IN THE BARN. Please do not leave items outside of the barn.
FREE READING TUTORING FOR CHILDREN: A retired teacher is offering FREE reading tutorials for 30-minute sessions between 4 pm and 6 pm. Please call 717-637-6313 to make an appt.
LINE DANCING CLASSES: Held on Thursdays at 6:30 pm in the Grove Building. Just show up. No need to sign up. $7.00 per class.
BINGO PRIZES FOR SKILLED CARE AND PERSONAL CARE RESIDENTS OF PLUM CREEK. This year they are asking for donations of Word search puzzle books (circle a word), over the head beaded necklaces and bracelets, small hand sanitizers, decorative scarves, small soft stuff animals (size of a beanie baby), window clings (peel off and look like stained glass), small holiday trinkets (all seasons), variety of greeting cards to send to family, chocolate, costume jewelry, dove soap bars, small hand lotions. There will be a container in the back of the church to place these items. As always, thank you for the kind donations. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin to help at these events.
BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING: Jenn Fisher is offering blood pressure screenings. The next one will be held on Sunday, January 19th between the first and second service.
SPIRIT TRUST LUTHERAN is looking for volunteers. You could be a part of choral or musical groups, and hymn singing. There are interactive opportunities such as coffee hour, bingo, seasonal party, pizza party and more. If interested: Contact Kris Martin at 717-646-2431 or Terry Stickles at 717-646-2460.
AERO ENERGY SAVINGS OPPORTUNITY: They are offering a House of Worship Program. When members of the church become propane or heating oil customers with
Aero Energy, they will donate $0.04 to our church for every gallon the customer purchases. If you become a new customer, St. David’s UCC would receive a $50.00 credit for you becoming a new customer. Log on at: www.aeroenergy.com/how or call 1-888-480-1271.
COMMUNITY AID PARTNERSHIP # “Our Community Aid partner #20003 has been copied on blue business-card size rectangles for you to attach to your donation bags and boxes. They are on the back table near the offering box. These can make it easier for employees to identify your donation when dropping things off and hopefully be more convenient for you to remember our church partner number. Feel free to take as many as you need and give them to family and friends to use. We appreciate your support!”
SEWING LOVE MINISTRIES (FORMERLY BED PAD SEWING GROUP): The group will meet the second Saturday of each month from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. These meetings will be held the second Saturday of each month until June. Next meeting will be Saturday, January 11, 2025 at the church.
EVANGELISM COMMITTEE NEEDS YOU! The Evangelism Committee is looking for members who could help with planned events and offer some ideas. Please see Tammy Kitzmiller or Emily Caltrider for additional information.
VIRTUOUS CRAFTERS: If you have been making 7x9 rectangles please bring these to the church by the end of January. The fees for shipping these rectangles to Texas has become too cost prohibitive so we will be ending this particular ministry. We will continue to accept donations of lap robes and shawls for area nursing homes. See Patti Sager if you have any questions or would like to join and receive patterns. There is extra yarn in the overflow room near the kitchenette that is available to everyone.
ST. DAVID’S SELFIES: How often do you run into a church family at Walmart or the grocery store? When you do, snap a selfie of the two of you together and send it to Patti. This is a great way to show our love for our St. David’s family.
MONTHLY PHOTO FOCUS: The monthly Photo Focus for February will be "Anything that has to do with red, hearts, or love." Send all photos to [email protected]
GIANT AND WEIS GROCERY CARDS: You can buy Giant and Weis grocery gift cards every Sunday morning. The church will receive 5% on all purchases. See Nancy Monath to buy your grocery cards. Thank you for your support!
WORSHIP LIVESTREAM: Our 8:30 AM Worship service is being livestreamed to our YouTube channel. The following link will take you to our church’s YouTube channel, where you can subscribe to our channel if you wish to do so. By subscribing, you will receive a notification whenever we go live, eliminating the need for you to search for us on YouTube. If you are unable to watch the livestream in real time, you will still be able to watch the recorded video at your convenience. LINK
- Log onto the You Tube site
- Subscribe to the St. David's United Church of Christ channel (if you don't want to subscribe you can still get to the channel but you will have to type our name into the search box every time)
- Once you are on our channel's page you will see a picture of the church with the banner underneath saying Home-Videos-Live-Playlist...etc.
- Click on the "Live" button
- You should then see a list of all of our livestream videos. Simply click on the week that you would like to watch
HACC Newsletter
Our upcoming PAL Dates: February 22, 2025
All donations to HACC can be placed in the plastic tote in the back of the sanctuary, or you can drop donations off at the HACC building Monday to Friday, 8 AM – 12:30 PM, Saturdays, 8 AM – 12:30 PM or by Appointment (Call 717-633-6353 to schedule a drop-off time.)
*When donating food items, please check expiration date on products you wish to donate. Thank you!
Scalloped potatoes
Cans of mixed vegetables
Single serve fruit cups
Coffee and Creamer
Plastic Cutlery Sets
Tomato Sauce
Butter, eggs, milk
Heavenly Clothing Bank
Gently Used Clothes
Men's Sweatpants & Sweatshirts
Mens hats and gloves
Mens pants size 32/34
Women's Sweatpants & Sweatshirts
Women's hats and gloves
Men/women underwear and socks
Household items
Kids clothes
Changing Lives Shelter
Comet Cleaner
Disposable Gloves M/L
Bathroom Cleaner
Lysol Spray
Clorox Wipes
Women's Deodorant
Men's boxer underwear
Adult and Child sized Diapers and Wipes are very much needed in the community.
Ruth’s Harvest: Volunteers are Needed, Contact Us at 717-633-6353
Meals on Wheels: Coloring Books, Word Search Books, Pencils
Heavenly Clothing Bank is open the following hours. Mondays: Closed. Tuesdays: 9:00am-noon. Wednesdays: 6:00 PM-8:00 PM. Thursdays: 9:00AM-Noon. Fridays: Closed. 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month: 9:00 AM–Noon. The Clothing Bank is in desperate need of the plastic bags you may have from your grocery store. They could also use the two-handled fabric tote bags. You may place these items in the plastic tote in the rear of the Overflow Room. Thank you.
***Make sure to tune into Better Living Radio (1280 AM or 95.3 FM) or www.ForeverYork.com at 10:00 am on the first Monday of every month when HACC will be sharing in the broadcast!
Find out more about Hanover Area Council of Churches by clicking on this link www.hanoverareacouncilofchurches.org
All donations to HACC can be placed in the plastic tote in the back of the sanctuary, or you can drop donations off at the HACC building Monday to Friday, 8 AM – 12:30 PM, Saturdays, 8 AM – 12:30 PM or by Appointment (Call 717-633-6353 to schedule a drop-off time.)
*When donating food items, please check expiration date on products you wish to donate. Thank you!
Scalloped potatoes
Cans of mixed vegetables
Single serve fruit cups
Coffee and Creamer
Plastic Cutlery Sets
Tomato Sauce
Butter, eggs, milk
Heavenly Clothing Bank
Gently Used Clothes
Men's Sweatpants & Sweatshirts
Mens hats and gloves
Mens pants size 32/34
Women's Sweatpants & Sweatshirts
Women's hats and gloves
Men/women underwear and socks
Household items
Kids clothes
Changing Lives Shelter
Comet Cleaner
Disposable Gloves M/L
Bathroom Cleaner
Lysol Spray
Clorox Wipes
Women's Deodorant
Men's boxer underwear
Adult and Child sized Diapers and Wipes are very much needed in the community.
Ruth’s Harvest: Volunteers are Needed, Contact Us at 717-633-6353
Meals on Wheels: Coloring Books, Word Search Books, Pencils
Heavenly Clothing Bank is open the following hours. Mondays: Closed. Tuesdays: 9:00am-noon. Wednesdays: 6:00 PM-8:00 PM. Thursdays: 9:00AM-Noon. Fridays: Closed. 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month: 9:00 AM–Noon. The Clothing Bank is in desperate need of the plastic bags you may have from your grocery store. They could also use the two-handled fabric tote bags. You may place these items in the plastic tote in the rear of the Overflow Room. Thank you.
***Make sure to tune into Better Living Radio (1280 AM or 95.3 FM) or www.ForeverYork.com at 10:00 am on the first Monday of every month when HACC will be sharing in the broadcast!
Find out more about Hanover Area Council of Churches by clicking on this link www.hanoverareacouncilofchurches.org
Current Hanover Center Pantry needs:
Canned Soup
Toilet Paper
New Hope needs volunteers, please call the front desk at (717) 698-3365.
Visit the New Hope Ministries website using this link www.nhm-pa.org
Canned Soup
Toilet Paper
New Hope needs volunteers, please call the front desk at (717) 698-3365.
Visit the New Hope Ministries website using this link www.nhm-pa.org
COMMUNITY AID: Items can be dropped off at the donation center on Baltimore Street. Please give them our church code # 20003 and they will give us $.13 per pound for clothing donations.
* Announcements and Photos may be emailed to the church media office at [email protected] or to [email protected] or to [email protected]